Airservices Australia

Whether or not Airservices provides a control tower or aviation rescue fire fighting service at your airport, we can provide advice and assistance on a range of matters including:
• emergency response plans and exercises (ARFFS)
• fire safety including during and post incidents (ARFFS)
• the impacts of proposed infrastructure and development activities on our facilities, communications, navigation and surveillance equipment, essential cabling and utilities
• lead times and regulatory requirements applying to upgrades or installation of any infrastructure that interfaces with air traffic management systems such as lighting, navaids, anenometers
• proposals for new runways or runway extensions and associated new or amended instrument flight procedures, including noise management and community engagement implications • technical endorsement of ANEFs
• formal assessment of applications for developments around airports
• formal advice on Master Plans and Major Development Plans

If you are not sure whether we can help with your enquiry, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will advise you.

Contact Details

GPO Box 367 Canberra ACT 2601

+61 2 6268 4111

General enquiries and referral
General enquiries and referral

Technical endorsement of Australian Noise Exposure Forecasts
Technical endorsement of Australian Noise Exposure Forecasts

Development and infrastructure planning enquiries
Development and infrastructure planning enquiries


Strategic Advice

Air Traffic Control



Equipment Supply


Air Traffic Control
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