ASI Solutions LTD

ASI Solutions has traded continuously for over 20 years, building up extensive experience and expert knowledge in the supply and application of specialist treatments for asphalt surfaces.

ASI provides a proven tested product and an unrivalled support service that is reliable and consistent. We work closely with our ‘Approved Applicator’ Downer to ensure that every job is successful, and we will always advise expertly and truthfully in an open transparent manner.

ASI is also the home of the authentic, original and trusted source of asphalt preservation in the UK and around the globe-Rhinophalt®.

Rhinophalt® a ‘Penetrative Asphalt Preservative’ (PAP) will assist asset owners protect and preserve their investments in asphalt surfaces. Whether you own or manage an airfield, test track, bridge or local or national road, ‘penetrative asphalt preservation’ will keep your asset in better condition for longer.

To date over 4 million m2 has been applied to runways around the globe and by specifying Rhinophalt® you will also benefit like the other Airports;

• It can double the surface service life of your runway.
• It sustainably keeps your asphalt runways in good condition for longer.
• More than 90% carbon savings can be achieved compared to resurfacing.
• Increases the resilience of asphalt surfacing, reduces FOD and is proven to withstand extreme weather conditions.
• Applied during night hours to limit the impact on Airport operations.
• Maintains runway surface friction characteristics and does not impact grooves.

Contact Details

PD220, Science Building, Science Park, Wolverhampton, WV10 9RU

+61 438 207 029

Ross Ioakim

+61 438 207 029

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