Hidden Disability Program

Community and airport customer expectations are changing – organisations are expected to be operating under a  socially responsible and inclusive framework.

With 18% of the Australian population identifying as having a disability, and a further 11% identifying as carers of someone with a disability, assisting our airport members to deliver a mindful and accessible travel experience for those passengers with a hidden disability (invisible disability) was an important first step.

In late 2022, the AAA published its Hidden Disability Program (HDP) – successfully bringing together the AAA airport membership to achieve the shared goal of a more accessible travelling experience for all in the community.

The AAA successfully advocated to the Australian Government for Australian Border Force officers (the Department of Home Affairs) to disseminate AAA HDP information to all front-line officers working at international airports.

The AAA has also partnered with Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) to deliver a Hidden Disability Awareness online training course to our members and to Government.

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