Advanced Air Mobility – What got us here, won’t get us there

  • What AAM may look like for aerodrome operators on day one.
  • What do aerodrome operators need to think about to be ready for AAM.
  • Do you need to build a vertiport?


Liam Smith, AAM Infrastructure Research Specialist, CASA

Liam works in CASA’s Future Aerodromes Team. Exploring the requirements of emerging technology and engaging with stakeholders to development guidance material and standards for vertiports and other future infrastructure for AAM. Liam’s focus has been on AAM and future technologies since joining CASA in 2019 in the Future Air Navigation Research and Development Project. Prior to joining CASA, Liam spent 7 years in the airfield operations team at Perth Airport as an Airfield Operations Officer and then as the Airfield Works Coordinator.